Tubes tied or burnt?

After thinking about it for the last week, I think I've decided to do one or the other...but I would like some women to tell me their story after having their procedures done.

I'm 25, married and have 2 healthy boys aged 8 & 4. We have suffered 2 miscarriages this year and don't want to go through the heartbreak again. Hubby is content with the 2 we have. I am too, just wanted that daughter I've longed for...but I won't put my body and heart through the depression again, that I still fight today, and make matters worse.

I've heard tubes tied, can come untied. I actually have a cousin who had hers tied in her 30's, then found out she was pregnant at 40 and carried full term. I know the chances are slim of that happening...but it can.

Please give me thoughts, opinions, and actual stories. Thanks!