Parents attacked my husband over our pregnancy!?

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~

So we went camping this weekend and it was a family reunion so everyone was there. I was sick and vomiting almost the entire time so everyone kept asking if I was pregnant. My original plan was wait til Christmas to tell everyone. Well my husband and I decided to go ahead and tell now because everyone keeps asking and we hated all the lying and because everyone was all together. My mom and stepmom both asked before that and I said no. So we went and got a pumpkin and carved a fetus into it. We gathered my father and grandmother and showed them the pumpkin. My grandmother was excited and asked the normal questions. I looked at my dad and he glanced up at it and looked back down to his phone silently. I asked him what he thought and he said the pumpkin would've looked better with a dragon and that was it. I asked if he was happy and he said "well it wasnt my mistake so why would I be?" He then walked away. My stepmom was crying and avoided my husband and I the rest of the night and they hid in their cabin. I showed the rest of my family and they were excited. Before the trip my stepmom and dad told me they hate my husband and refuse to go anywhere near him and got mad when I disagreed they always have hated him and talk horribly about him behind his back. My grandmother eventually placed us in a cabin far away from the rest of the family and we shrugged it off and enjoyed our seclusion. Anyways back to the story. My husband and I were hurt. Jake bit his tongue though and went inside to cool off his anger and I went inside because the campfire smoke was getting to me. We ate supper with the family and my dad made a point of making us feel unwelcome. Our cabin was a ways down the path so we decided we wanted to go to our cabin and have some alone time roasting marshmallows. We borrowed some of my aunt's fire sticks. Well I had fire wood in my arms and dropped the sticks somewhere on the path so my husband went back to the cabins to get some new ones. Well without my knowledge my husband approached my father and told him he was acting like a jackass. My father ignored him on his phone so Jake walked away. We began roasting marshmallows and were having a good time. My dad wanders up the bath with his beer in hand and asks why we were all the way up here. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I just told him we wanted alone time to roast marshmallows. He said well they were roasting marshmallows down there and we didn't have to be cowards. He then looked at my husband calling him a coward and yelled at him saying if he had something to say then to say it to his face. I asked what he was talking about and jake relayed that he called dad a jackass and already said it to his face. Dad said he was too big of a coward to do anything about it and started saying how our marriage was a lie and a sham and that he should be able to control and hear every decision in our Marriage and how our child was a mistake and how we were just playing house. (My dad still lives off his mother and has never paid for anything in his life) he kept calling me a liar and said he was disappointed we lied to him and I explained most couples don't tell anyone until much later in their pregnancy and he kept saying how we lie about everything and how we need to just end it and be done and he just kept calling us cowards and he said how i ignore him which I dont. I call him everyday and he always dodges my calls. My husband pointed that out and dad denied it. We countered everything he said and he just kept saying more hurtful things to get my husband to fight him. My husband knew this day would come as I warned him and he knew not to fight him. Jake doesn't want to fight a drunk guy and he explained that he isn't about to hurt my father in front of me. Dad wouldn't take that as an answer so I asked him to leave. He ignored me and came at my baby and I jumped back screaming at him. I almost said some really hurtful things and I started feeling really bad cramps and knew the stress would cause a miscarriage if we stayed so I said if you won't leave then we will and called Jake behind me into the cabin. Dad wandered off into the darkness. We packed up and left leaving a note to my family saying we had a good time and made some excuse about me being really sick so we were going to go home and rest. Well today I told my mother I was pregnant with a picture of the pumpkin. She screamed at me too and said how we fucked up her and my stepfather's insurance and lives. (We have our own insurance) and I told her she was being childish and I wasnt going to argue. She called me a liar because she already apparently knew and asked why I didn't tell her as soon as I found out and that I'm horrible and she said if you want to see childish I'll show you childish and threatened my child. I stopped talking to her and blocked her because the stress was causing cramps again. I informed them both later that they are cut off until we at least get moved into our new place in April. I said they are not allowed around me my husband or my child. I explained that they have proven that they can't act like mature adults and I don't feel safe around them while pregnant and that I don't feel like my child would be safe around them. I want to cut them off completely but I'm not sure if that is the right decision. They have always threatened and hated my husband and now they threatened my child. I refuse to let my child feel the pain of their hatefulness like I felt my entire life. Am I right for doing this? What do you think I should do? How do I handle this situation and why did they act like this? Has anyone else had a reaction like this and what was the outcome? Please any insight would be appreciated.


So my dad dropped off a gift basket of baby stuff at our house today. We weren't there but my MIL who we hadn't told yet was there and he spilled the beans to her. We think it was an accident but we aren't sure. We had a conversation over text and he continued to call us liars so I stood up to him and told him this is my life and my family and if he wants a part in it he will have to suck it up and put on a fake smile. He just texted back ok and that was it. Idk what that means. Any insight?