Am I Bi?


I have been wondering if I was bi sexual since I was in highschool. Like, 14-15 or so. I am 22 now and I still don’t know. I have never dated, kissed, had sex with anyone, barely any hugging with any one of the male sex. I have been raised in a Christian house hold that was very sheltering and very against homosexuality and all of those related things and such. I still live in that environment and just have to nod along and pretend I hate gays lesbians bisexuals and trans and all that, when really I don’t at all. I think that they are normal and brave! But I have always looked at guys and thought they looked good and would like to have sex with a guy someday, kiss a guy all that stuff, but I also see girls and am like “wow she’s pretty!” And I think about how it might feel to touch or kiss or have sex with a girl. I have had dreams about kissing my friends that are girls and it was amazing, but I mean it was just a dream right? Am I straight or bi? Idk. I could imagine myself in a relationship and loving someone of either sex, but I don’t kno if I am bi, and if I am, I am to scared to admit it cuz my mom and family would hate me and tell me I am going to hell. I want to kno! But I don’t want to. I am scared because I have nowhere to go, no job, no friends any more because I am such a recluse. I am starting cosmetology school in January and after I graduate I will get a job and save and get a place of my own where I can learn to be myself. But I just don’t know what I am. I want to know. I kiiiinda think I am bi sexual, but am so scared. I hate listening to my family say this is wrong and that is wrong! I want to be my own judge! Could some one, anyone, give me advice? Explain things to me? I am so alone and confused!