short labor

I got induced at 40 weeks and 4 days I was dilated 3 cm and 60 % and when they give 
 me the medicine was at 7 am and y start contracting around 8 am at 8:30 was 5 cm I feel asleep and then around 9:30 am was 7 cm dilated and then I told my bf I need to go to the bathroom the nurse says I feel like that but doesn't mean I'm going to do poop at 10:00 am was 9 cm I was ready and the Doctor wasn't there yet but I feel i have to push and the nurse just yelled We need the Doctor when he came I did one big push and my baby girl was here at 10:16 am and here she is Zoey 7 pounds 12 ounces and 21 inches October 23 2016 💕👌🏻