Baby girl born at 32 weeks exactly...


Birth story...

My original due date was 12/26/16 but baby decided not to wait til December to be born. Throughout my whole pregnancy at every drs appointment they warned me about preterm labor(because I have a bicornate uterus). So it came as no surprise to me when my water ruptured prematurely at 30+4. I was then admitted into the hospital and told i would be here until November 14th, which was the day I'd be 34 weeks exactly. Everything was going great until yesterday when my temperature went up to 100.8 and the amniotic fluid started coming out green. The dr decided to do an emergency c-section because she didn't want the baby to swallow to much of the infected fluid. I got taken back to the OR at 6:33 pm and baby girl was born at 7:10 pm on 10/31/16. She weighed 3 lbs 10 oz and was 16.9 inches long. She's breathing on her own amd doing really well in the nicu. Please say a prayer that my baby won't have to stay in the nicu to long. Everyone meet Ariel Rose Nibblett, it was love at first sight.