He's finally here! 💙

Inconsistent contractions started throughout the day on October 26th and by 1am on the 27th they ranged between 3-6 minutes apart. Because I didn't want to labor for a super long time at the hospital we stayed home and labored until 8:30 am and decided to head to the hospital to see how far I had dilated. When they checked me I was 3.5 cm. I had to prove I was in actual labor so they checked me again at 10 am and I had dilated to a 5. By that time I was in a lot of pain but kept strong thanks to the amazing support from my mom and my husband. At 3:30 pm my amazing nurse had run to grab lunch and I had a small urge to push so a different nurse checked me and I was supposedly only at a 6. My nurse came back from lunch at 3:45 and checked me and said I was at 8 cm so they decided it was time to get the baby table and everything else ready. She checked me again at 4:00 and I was at a 9 so they called the doctor and my doctor was there by 4:10 and I only had a small lip left to dilate so to push me to a 10 so they broke my water. After I dilated to a 10 I started to push and my little guy came into the world at 4:43 pm. It was so rewarding to know I did the whole thing entirely natural even though I wanted to cave so many times because of the pain. We love him so much and I don't know what we even did before him!