Surprise! Baby makes his appearance.

This morning I had my 36 week check up at 10:15 am. I had a terrible night's sleep. I could not get comfortable on my 'comfy side' and was kept awake by an awful back pain. When I finally got out of bed at 7 am I went to the bathroom but noticed I was feeling these very weird pains. I showered and had to ask my fiancée to help me dry off and even get me partially dressed because of the pain. I went about our normal morning routine of dropping off my oldest at school and my little one at my dads house. Instead of going to work I was going to have breakfast with hubby then head to my check up then go into the office. The breakfast spot is right by the practice so i decided to stop in there early instead of eating just to make sure the weird pains I was feeling were not contractions. When I arrived I explained that the pains felt more like an intense pressure on my bladder and like a throbbing feeling in my back. But I couldn't compare to the first two times. With my first I didn't feel contractions until after they started to induce me because my water broke and a long time had passed. Those were intense! With my second I had a scheduled CS so no contractions there. Anyway the DR saw me, did an internal and said yes you're in labor. About 3 cm dilated. Head over to the hospital. What?! To be honest i felt like bursting into tears. I was not ready. We're in the middle of redoing our entire HVAC system as well as our kitchen. I literally have NO kitchen right now. I also had a date scheduled for this baby of 11/17 so I thought I had more time to get everything ready for baby as well as finish up at work. I had planned on working until 11/11. I didn't even have my bag packed. Anyway we headed over to the hospital and a few hours our baby was born. He was a surprise gender and I am very happy to announce that my third child and First son is beautiful. David! He is in the NICU for a 24 HR observation because of being 4 weeks early. But he's so cute and I'm so in love.