cultural appropriation

So I'm gonna start off with a disclaimer because I am not trying to be rude just generally curious and don't understand. If a white person wear dreads or "boxer braids" how is that cultural appropriation but if a person of color gets blond hair and blue eyes that's not? I saw on buzzfeed that getting big lips or a big butt is cultural appropriation and that just seems silly to me. Not just people of color are born with those things. On the subject of hair tho I don't get why people get mad it's hair. People of color can dye their hair and straighten it and it's not cultural appropriation but you are not born with straight hair. I honestly don't understand. So why is it bad for a white person to style their hair in "black hairstyles"? I know there's gonna be someone on here preaching saying white people steal all cultures and what not ( FYI racist and offensive in the end everybody should respect everybody). That's not what I'm trying to figure out I don't want someone yelling about it. I want to know why it seems people of color are not willing to just let other people do their hair how they want. I've seen people of color where I live stop white people in the streets and yell at them for having dreads but if a white person went up and yelled about a person of color straightening their hair that wouldn't be okay right? So why is it okay for a person of color to harass a white person on doing things they do? The whole thing about hair just seems silly to me.