My angel baby birth story. Giuliana Isabella born 10/22/16 at 11:11pm

My Giuliana was born on 10/22/16 at 11:11pm at 30 weeks and 3 days. I was induced due to preeclampsia. She came into this world weighing 2 lbs 14 oz and was 15 inches long. Baby was immediately taken to NICU but before she left the room I heard her cry and was once we checked on her a few hours later NICU doctor said she was looking good and was only needing a CPAP and that X-ray and labs looked good.
I went to visit the next day and per nurses everything was fine, husband checked in her through out the day and was also told that everything looked good. I was on magnesium so I was not allowed to visit her until the next day after I was taken off of the magnesium. I woke up at 7:30 and slept for another hour and woke up planning to go see her since I was allowed to finally go on my own. 30 minutes later I get a call from the NICU to come on in because my baby wasn't doing well. I rush to the NICU and only to find my daughter with a bunch of nurses and the doctor around her. The were performing CPR and were telling me that they didnt think she was going to make it. I watched my daughter slip away I prayed and kissed her hand repeatedly but nothing worked. They finally stopped working on her after my husband arrived but the doctor could not give me any explanation as to what happened and said that the only way to find out would be by and autopsy but I decided against it because no matter what I did she was not coming back. I can only wonder and everyday I pray that I get the answers I am looking for and wonder why this happened to my daughter after being told everything was okay.