40.5 hours of labor

Lisa • Wife, momma of a little boy and a little girl on the way ❤️💙💜
So my labor and delivery didn't go as I expected but I also new not to plan exactly everything and be set on how I would deliver. But never did I think my water would break I would have 3 min apart contractions that would stop after 9 hours. Then out in pitocin because I was only 1 cm dilated then put on a different medicine to soften my cervix for 18 hours and was still only at 1.5 cm. Then out back on pitocin that had me with contractions that someone at 9 cm dilated would have and I was only at 2. My doctor made me go through all of this first before finally saying okay you can choose to have a c section we have done everything to move you along so it's up to you to labor or move forward with the surgery. That was at 38 hours. I was like begging for the surgery at the 24 hour mark. So I finally got the epidural at 39 hours off to the OR and after everything 40.5 hours my adorable mystery baby was no longer a myster. HE was here!! Like Thaddeus jr