I'm due ANY DAY NOW. On top of just being nervous about the labor and pushing itself, I also am stressed with how to deal with EVERYONE. 
I live in Georgia where I met my husband, he has his dad down here and his dad's wife and family as well. 
I don't have any family down here. 
No issue with visitors, just trying to come up with a happy medium without jeapordizing my own comfort and happiness. 
Seems like NO MATTER WHAT I come up with, his dad and his wife are never going to be happy unless it's 100% what THEY want. 
My husbands dad is not the problem at all. It is his wife who has been pushing herself down our throat. She hasn't been with Brandon's dad that long. She has caused us a lot of drama and anger throughout this pregnancy. 
ANYWAYS. I'm rambling... anyone have any ideas on how to make sure I get WHAT I want, but also have a happy father in law? 
I really want this moment to be special between my husband and I. And prefer it to be an intimate setting. Not sure how soon after she is here I'll be up for a visitor.