In laborrrrr

Water broke at 2pm. Got to L&D at 4:30pm, admitted at 6pm and now it's just a waiting game. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow :) 
Update: I was not able to dilate on my own and since my water had already broken and my BP was a little high, I was admitted and induced. Was given pitocin on 11/2 at 9pm and contractions went from 5-7 minutes apart to 1-2 minutes apart instantly. At midnight, I caved and begged for the epidural. Such a relief. I was literally dilating 1cm every 4 hours until I reached 4cms. Then we went straight to 7 cms and from there to 10 cms in 2 hours which was 11/03 at 2:30pm. But because of the epidural numbing my lady parts, they had to up the pitocin drop so that I was able to feel some type of contractions and push. We started pushing at 4:10pm and baby girl was born at 5:49pm. Perfect and healthy :)