High BP but no pre-eclampsia

 Today I went in for my 38 week appointment (I'm 38+4) and my blood pressure is always high when I'm at the drs. I keep track at home and know it's not high all the time but naturally this has happened more than once and first thing they come in wanting to induce me immediately, talking about seizures and magnesium and all these horrible things. Scary!also I have low platelets and am not eligible for an epidural. So the last thing I want is to induce and it not work and have a traumatic, excruciating labor. They checked my urine and I had no proteins, they sent it out and did blood work. But then I thought I know I'm ok, I know my body, it's not ready and neither is she. It was a big decision to make but I said no, they weren't happy. But it's good to know that you have a choice and can say no. I know everyone is different and pre-eclampsia is a serious issue but I just get so frustrated because it seems like drs jump to the most dramatic measures before it's really necessary.  Thanks for listening to my rant and good luck mamas.