So my BFF just started talking to her ex from a few years ago again. They didn't really end bad . It's because some chick told lies about my friend and the ex didn't end up believing her or something like that and they haven't talked in years . In between those years my friend found love again and got pregnant and now has a almost 2 months old son. But her and the father are no longer together cause he is such a dick..  So about a couple days ago she started talking to the ex from way back because she started thinking about him all over and noticing how great of a bf he was and how he was better than all the others . She told him so only started talking to him again because he crossed her mind so many times and he was such a great bf . But he told her he didn't have the same feelings . She was so heart broken but they still were talking as friends as the days went by. But she needs advice as to how to change his mind , but she doesn't wanna be forceful or pushy or anything . So help ??!!