my so wants to be open?

We are expecting and my so wants a hall pass for the next 9 months. He says when we have the baby he's done but wants to be "free" during the pregnancy. What do you guys think??
We have had infedelity issues and I recently found out I have type 1 herpes on my genitals. It's was incredibly hard to find out and really tore us apart. However after speaking with a doctor it doesn't necessarily mean there was cheating because type 1 is normally oral such as cold sores and can be given from oral sex and since he has had a few cold sores in the past I am choosing to believe that. Many are quick to judge that he would ever bring this up but there are many men who lie and cheat and lead totally seperate lives then the one with their significant other. 
I love this man very much and appreciate him sharing his desires with me instead of hiding them. Doesn't mean he's going to go cheat could just mean that I need to listen to what he wants more sexually.