Anyone dated a 26+ yr old? Need advice!

So I'm 21 and he's 26 and we're in a relatively new, now 2 month relationship. I'm a student in my 4th yr of uni and he's a carpenters apprentice. Problem:

He's gone from 100 to 0 in communicating with me in the past couple weeks. I now have to initiate which I'm fine with but when he asks about my day/what I'm doing I'll give him a response and usually get no answer back so our convos this week haven't gone past 2 or 3 texts a day. This wouldn't be a problem if we saw each other regularly but we see each other every 2 weeks or so because of schedule conflicts...I want to change this but that would require him to engage in our convos for more than 10 mins. I've tried calling too in case texting just isn't his thing but still I'm the one initiating and it barely lasts 10 minutes. He's had a rough week with his dog getting diagnosed with cancer for the second time and today he made a facebook post that he was angry so I messaged him out of concern telling him to call me when he was free. He saw my response 7 hours later still no response.

I plan to bring up how frustrated I am with this situation on the weekend because at this point I feel like I'm wasting my time and honestly I have people who want to date me that are willing to have conversations with me and be more accomodating in their schedule. But could anyone offer a different perspective? Not looking for excuses for him because he was so open and willing to talk to me at the beginning but has now done a 180.