infant ear piercing

You people are going to have your opinion. Ok I get it, but you can not criticize other parents for how they raise their children. In my family a baby girl get her ears pierced around 4 months, its traditional/a cultural thing for my family. I had it done, my sisters, my mother and her sisters and so on and when I have my baby girl she be getting her ears pierced as well. You get work up a sweat for no reason. Like ok you not gonna get your baby ears pierced until she get old enough to decide, that's your decision that's what you want to do and nobody is bashing you for it. I don't care how you raise your child that's your business. And I bet some (I said some) of you people who are strongly against infant ear piercings voting for a certain person who think it's ok to abort a baby at 36 weeks. It's got people out here working in daycares beating on babies/children.(I guess you're the criminal for putting your child in daycare) It got parents out here killing their babies/children. ( I guess your the criminal for leave your baby with their father/mother). Ugh you people are worried about the wrong things so just keep your snotty stupid opinions to yourself and worry about your own damn child!!!!
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