Teenage Mother Stories!

Every teenage mother share your stories! Here's mine. I lost my virginity to him at 13! I got pregnant at 14 gave birth a month before turning 15 to a baby boy who I named Addai. My labor was 18 hours, he was 6 pounds and 4 oz. I continue to be with my sons father who is currently 19 and I'm 16. My son is now 1 and 1/2. I still attend high school as a sophomore. Who excels in all her curriculums as an honor student. My career goal is to become a Surgeon and I will achieve it! I recieve colleges trying to recruit me in softball and my academics! I am top 5 in my class! My boyfriend graduated last year. He has been caring for our family since our son was born finicially and all the above. We are independent from our parents. However, my parents don't seem to like the idea that I will marry him one day. (Still carry a grudge from me getting pregnant) even though I've proved everyone wrong and stepped up. To this day I continue to break any sterotypes I am labeled as and don't regret a thing! ❤