Ovulation test question--please help!

This is about the second cycle I have used this app (but I did put the dates of my previous 6 periods in when I started this) and this is also my first month of using any kind of ovulation tests (I've attached a picture of the kit I bought). The first day that I got a 'high' result on the stick and entered it into Glow, I saw the app say it was recalculating--but I haven't noticed it make any changes since. Yesterday the app said I was most fertile yet yesterday morning the test still flashed the symbol for 'high' instead of 'peak', which my understanding is that 'peak' is the actual day I am most fertile. I understand the app itself isn't testing my hormone level but it worries me that maybe I should be seeing the 'peak' symbol but haven't yet. Does this mean I'm not actually ovulating? I should maybe add that today was day 4 in a row of the flashing smiley which means 'high'. I'm sorry I probably sound pretty dumb for not knowing how all of this works (being a woman and this being my body and all) but I am new to all of this and just feel really clueless. Any input that can be shared on reading/understanding these ovulation tests is greatly appreciated!