Anyone had an amniocentesis done before?

Sunny • Baby #1 girl born 2006💖 Lost baby #2 boy born 2007💔 TTC#3 since July/15. Got BFP July 6/16. Baby boy born Feb 2017 💖TTC#4 since July 2022. Got BFP Feb 15/23

Any experiences would be great to hear. I heard there's a chance it could cause miscarriage and plus Im TERRIFIED of the procedure itself.

My OB sent me to see a genetic counselor, and apparantly they want to do a amniocentesis too if I choose to go ahead with it ... even though it was never discussed.

The reason being, my daughter has a genetic illness.... which is manageable with diet and meds and thats why I originally did not want any genetic testing because I would not abort anyway.

Right now Im dead set on refusing it. I feel like its just unnecessary. My baby has a 25% chance of having the same illness as my daughter, but they can always test the baby when they're born.