Is he just insecure or should I call it quits?

So I've been dating my ex for 2 months now. We were originally together for 4 yrs. However there were major issues, one involving my best guy friend.

Things were fantastic, and I've never been happier with him than I am right now. Yet we had a huge argument.

I suggested that he meet up with me this weekend in the city because it was after an important interview for me, and I was already off out to dinner with a male friend. He said he's going to a female friends concert but won't tell me the exact location, won't tell me when he's finished etc. I invited him out to dinner with us, since he's complained he's not met many of my friends in the past. But after seeing the guy on facebook he flipped out and said he's not going if he's going to be there (whom he's never met), and then said not with your track record with guys. Wtf! I've always been honest, open and loyal, yet he was always secretive and lied in the past.

I believed we could try again, but this is too much. Is he just that insecure? Most of his friends are female.

Anyone else who has gone through this? I really don't know what to do :(