Sleeping help!

Stormie ☔ • Christ saved me from myself, I owe and offer everything I am to Him. Happily married homeschooling Mama of two with one in Heaven 🥰 Nurse. Crafter. World Changer.

Alright. My son is 6 months and we have been bed-sharing since he was itty bitty. Shame on me, yeah yeah.

For the past two nights, he has woke every.single.HOUR. Not even wanting to nurse, but is like he is uncomfortable or something. Seems like he is wanting to maybe stretch out?

Anyhow, I figure it's time to work on transitioning him back to the Pack'N'Play in our room. But how? I want us both to start sleeping better. But I don't want him to be miserable or cold or scared.

How have other moms that bed share helped make the transition easy for their little?