body appreciation

This is a photo of my best friend. She is a professional model, and was denied a photo shoot because "they don't work with plus sized models." At first she cried, she was gaining weight but then stopped and realized her body is beautiful. She says "the modeling. Business can sometimes make you feel you need to look a certain way but ONLY IF YOU LET IT EFFECT YOU. You're beautiful the way you are." The reason I am posting this is not to receive attention for her, but to make a point that the modeling businesses are refusing gorgeous girls because they aren't a size 2. They consider anything from a size 6 and up plus sized and that's bullshit! EVERY woman is beautiful, no matter their size, and in MY opinion being a size 2 isnt the ideal look. I myself have struggled with my body image, since I was 12 or 13 years old weighing 84 pounds, I was making myself vomit every time I ate or drank anything even water... because I felt huge.. when I looked in the mirror I saw a beached whale.. I hated the way I looked, after years of group therapy, individual therapy and numerous visits treatment facilities, I was 15 and a half, learning to love myself, finally gaining weight and becoming who I wanted to be. By age 16 I weighed 115 pounds, loved myself completely, still had times where I felt bad about my looks but then realized that I wasbeautiful, at 17 I was 122 and felt confident enough to start switching up my wardrobe and then by 18(currently) my weight fluctuates between 122-127 due to health conditions. So this goes out to ALL females that struggle with body image, just remember that nobodies opinion matters except yours. You are beautiful and don't need to be putting yourself down because of what some asshole said. The road to recovery is a rough one but when you results it's worth it, even if they are the smallest results they are still progress toward your goal. Keep your head up and stay strong and positive! I love you all❤️