Who much does your baby eat?!


Ok here is her story: My daughter is 5 month's now.... We started her off with 2oz at birth then moved up to 4oz because 2oz wasn't enough; at 2 weeks she started projectile vomiting her formula and was diagnosed with server acid reflux and was put on meds. It wasn't helping she was still vomiting her formula so after trying every formula in the book's she was put on "similac alimentum" her pedi dropped her amount to 3oz with 2 scoop's for more calories that wasn't enough so we up'd it back up to 4oz which seemed to be perfect. but she was still throwing up her formula we had many appointment's, seen a gastrologist and her pedi yo try and get her to gain weight at her 1 and 2 month appointment said she is gaining weight but slowly; At her 4 month appointment she said she gained a few oz but she is still a little under weight to start her on baby food and formula but no more than 5oz without food and 4oz with.

Here is her schedule:

*5am: 5oz bottle

*Breakfast 9am: Oatmeal mixed with banana's and a 4oz bottle

*Lunch 12pm: 4oz bottle with a stage 1 veggie

*3pm: 5oz bottle in between

*Dinner 6/7pm: 4oz bottle with a stage 1 veggie

*9pm: 5oz bottle

She sleep's through the night so her next bottle is 5am.

We have up'd her calories to help her gain weight and it hasn't seemed to help!! She should be atleast 16 pnds but she is 12.5