38 weeks with maybe just another week to go..

Tonya • Wife & Mother of 6
Went to my 38 week appointment today. Everything looks great. Baby is head down and she has dropped! Said I am still only about 1 to 2 cm dilated but she could fit about a quarter of her finger into my cervix and said she could feel the baby's head. She told me the baby is at a negative 2 station and she only gives me about another week..but contractions have been known to make a liar out of her so to keep an eye on them. This evening I haven't been timing them yet because I been cooking and cleaning but I know they are coming pretty often and pretty intense. This is my husbands last week (and Monday) working before he takes off, so he can be home for when she comes, so hoping she waits till at least Tuesday or Wed next week lol. I go back to the doctor wed morning. I can't believe the time is finally almost here! Been waiting soooo long lol.