Did your water break the first time?

Sooooo, mine didn't break with my first baby. Labor was quite a surprise as the days leading up to it showed no sign of the progression I was making. I actually had a doctors appointment that day that I skipped for the ER. Needless to say I almost feel like I missed out. I want the drama, lol. The water breaking, the grabbing the bags and running to the car. (Even though I won't be heading anywhere because like the first I'll labor at home until I can not handle it) the OMG this is IT moment. Idk, I must be weird 😂 I just never knew with my son, just kind of assumed it was time as the contractions were no joke by the time I decided to call my OB before my appointment and ask their opinion. All in all, did your water break the first time or were you like me and had it broken? 

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