I'm Skinny but I'm not Anorexic

So, I weigh 104 lbs and I am 5'8". My BMI is 16.6 and my percent body fat is around 10%. My entire life I have been thin, and almost every teacher I have ever had told me I needed to eat more. Well, here's the truth, I eat more than my 230lb boyfriend, my 280lb best friend and my 140lb sister. So when people call me names to shame me like 'anorexic,' 'bulemic,' or say stuff like, 'so are you going to go throw all of that up' you can imagine that I get kind of heated. As the years have gone on, it has actually gotten worse. I've become the one everyone calls a 'stick' or a 'rail'. I have no ass and I have no boobs. I'm flat as a board. My B cup bra size stands for boy. The list goes on and on. Well, I want to know why I can be called all of these names with no regrets, and yet, if I called a plus size woman fat, I'm automatically a bitch. We are all women, and yet, we are being divided into two columns. And we are doing it ourselves! How can this movement be called body positivity if half of the movement is being negative towards thin women. Telling us to eat more or teasing us about throwing our food up doesn't make us feel good. Despite all of the plus sized women's thoughts, we don't all automatically love our bodies. But maybe we ALL could if we just stopped putting each other down. I'd like to be one of the first in the new body positivity movement that I wish would take hold. Instead of curvy girls are better than bones, lets make it all women are beautiful no matter their size, stature, race or sexual orientation. We are all gorgeous!!! Stop making each other feel like shit, and stop being our own worst enemies! We are amazing so let's act like it.
Drop some pictures below that make you feel beautiful. And remember, thin or curvy, we are all beautiful women! ❤️