Fibroids, pcos and endo...

So for the last 2 years I was diagnosed with pcos and about 3 months ago I had an ultrasound where they said they saw a lesion that they suspected was a fibroid. Well I waited a long 2 months to finally see the fertility doctor and she did her own ultrasound and she said she saw no signs of pcos or any fibroids or really any cysts. As happy as it made my husband and I to hear I have a "nice looking uteris" I just am so confused?? What was everyone else seeing the my ob isn't. I do have cycles that last about 45-47 days so she is starting me on progesterone to help my chances of conceiving by being able to narrow down when I am ovulating but I am now more confused then ever. Should I just be happy with the good news or would you ask for a second opinion. Hoping its real... Any thoughts?