Feeling nervous but blessed about baby #2 on the way!

I had a beautiful baby girl in February 2016. My husband and I have had many discussions about her being our only one together because he has 2 other kids from previous relationships. so ya know, just as I'm coming around to the fact that I'll never be pregnant again, BAM! I'm pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm getting what I've sobbed about for 6 months, another baby, but at the same time, I was just starting to accept that my Natalie was gonna be my only baby. I have very mixed emotions. Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's the fatigue but everyone in our family is way more excited about this than I am. I am sure I'll be getting the excitement back as soon as I hear a heartbeat or see it on the ultrasound. But for right now, I'm kinda bumming.