How long will this take?

Rebecca • TTC since 2015 BFP 10/26/16 MC 10/07/16 IUI #1 BFN 9/2017 IUI #2 BFN 10/2017 IVF #1 BFN 12/29/2017 None frozen. IVF #2 BFP 8/24/2018 HCG 206.9

Just wondering how long it has taken everyone to finish the miscarriage. I went to the ER and they said I will be having one. I am only 5 weeks. I have been spotting red blood since Wednesday, but not even enough to spot on a pantyliner. I had bad cramps when it started, but the pain is gone now. I am expecting a lot of bleeding and cramps, just wondering when... Thanks in advance ❤️