I got a surprise BFP on my 39th birthday!!

 Well happy birthday to me!! My 39th birthday I get a BFP!! I even came home and did another pregnancy test so I can see it myself. The doctor said my beta is at 218, and we need to see it go up not down. Because with everything happening I have a chance of miscarriage. 
So last week I had really bad pains in my upper chest area, figure it was really bad heart burn. Next day went to see my doctor about it, did a bunch of blood work. Later that day she call and tells me my blood work shows something is going on w my liver n I need to go do a ct scan. 
So they ask when I went to do my ct scan if there was a chance I could be pregnant I said no, because I been trying for over 3 years. So there like ok did my ct scan. 
2 hours later I get a call that I have gallstones and I need to get it remove.  So I set my appointments to get a surgery scheduled. 
So Nov. 4th I was treating myself to a nice massage, facial, and did my lashes. All of a sudden I get a really sharp pain in my lower abdomen then went to the restroom and saw bright red blood. I was really freaked out cause I just had my period a week and a half ago. So idk why I'm bleeding, this does not feel right. The next day I went to work and figure it'll go away, but it didn't. I called my nurse and she told me to go to the ER so I went.
They ask what I'm feeling, what's going on, any chance I could be pregnant, I told them I could be pregnant I don't use protection, but I haven't gotten pregnant for the past 3 yrs. So they tell me let's do a urine test to test for infection and lets do a pap to see where the bleeding is coming from n pain. 
So they come in an hour later did my pap and then he tells me the reason why I am bleeding is because I had a ruptured cyst. My urine cam back negative for infection and I am positive for hcg that I'm pregnant. So by now I'm freaking out did not know what to think, in denial, confused, and very worried due to everything I just went through. Never thought I would be pregnant because I just had a period, and figured it was probably a cyst that is bothering me because I'm on my ovulation week. And I don't even know when I got pregnant because my calculations are off due to my period!
On top that I need to take out my gallbladder.. omg so much is going on so fast.. I'm like all over the place!!