Possibly missed the window for positive OPK?

Should I be testing with OPK more than once daily close to when I think I'm ovulating or should I rely more heavily on CM and BBT? I feel so overwhelmed by all the different tracking methods and it's only been 4 months. My husband works away but we are close enough that we can have rendezvous if necessary however dont really want to drive the extra 4 hours if we are outside the window anyway... There are still benefits to meeting up but over the phone is good for that if there is no possibility of baby making 😉. I had a negative yesterday morning and was going to take one last night (i think last night would have been positive) and negative this morning. Today I have some cramping on one side and mild headache which I've come to realize are signs of ovulation for me... so do I just scrap the OPK now and keep going. Forgot to take BBT this morning (early morning BD and then our little man woke up about 1 hour later so I knew the number would be all messed up...). Anyway thanks for listening whoever is out there... Now I just feel like I'm rambling but I actually am feeling better after writing this lol