Weight Loss While On Hormonal BC?

Hi 👋 
I have had experience with losing weight in the past and I've gained every bit of it back plus some. I started using birth control (implant) about 2 years ago and it's like everything I ate was triple the calories and instantly went into fat storage. I've gained about 75 lbs. Ugh. 
Anyways, I'm at my witt's end with the weight gain and would like to lose weight again. I usually have success with low carb diets and HITT at the gym. I lost 65 lbs that way a couple years ago when i was hormone free.
I want to know if any of you ladies have had weight loss success on hormones. 
It seems I can only gain with this implant in my arm. Otherwise, I LOVE the method, but I don't love being huge. It's a toss up. I know if I remove it, I'll have an easier go at weight loss, but I am also in a committed relationship and don't want to change how my boyfriend and I interact. If you've done it while continuing to be protected from pregnancy, I definitely want your story of how you did it. 
So, any stories, advice, or insight would be lovely. Thank you all. ✌️