am I a lesbian?

Sex with men doesn't feel good to me. Anytime I date a man, I never want to have sex with him. I don't even get "wet" down there. I don't find any pleasure about penis' at all. 
I find myself thinking about women a lot. Women are so thoughtful and much more sweeter. Plus.. boobs. Ah boobs.  
I've never been with a woman sexually. But I've dated one before. (We tried having sex but she didn't know what she was doing) I broke up with her and decided to date men again. Still.. not feeling the penis or men in general. 
Recently I started talking to a female I met online. We text/FaceTime/snapchat a lot. She's soooo freaking sweet. She isn't a girly girl but is kind of a tom boy. She still wears women clothes. I like her A LOT.
Am I a lesbian? I'm so confused.. 
and before anyone rags on me, I'm 22 years old. And this isn't a troll post.