(Update...) Having contractions every 4-6 min that don't hurt...


I've been having contractions all night (I think BH but don't know for sure). They've been 4-6 min apart for almost an hour now, but they aren't painful. Just tightening of my abdomen. Would you go into L&D if they continue or wait until they have hurt?

UPDATE: They didn't let up all night, but they weren't getting worse, so I got some sleep and started timing again in the morning. Went in to L&D midday expecting them to send me home, but just erring on the side of caution anyway. They hooked me up to monitor baby and the contractions for almost an hour, then finally did a cervical exam. I was definitely having frequent contractions, but was still only dilated about 3 cm. So I got to go home!! I guess I'm just going to have to ignore these contractions until they get worse 😛