Anyone else NOT looking forward to thanksgiving?

I usually love thanksgiving. Food, family, and just having a great time. Well this year, my dad is not going to be there, my sister is going to pop over bc she has plans with her girlfriends family and my other sister is probably going to do the same with her boyfriend. I won't be able to eat barely anything bc I eat like a bird these days. 36 weeks and baby is very much squishing my stomach. My fiance and I made a nice fish dinner last night and I litterally had two bites of fish, two bites of rice and a few bites of green beans and I felt like I ate two big plates of food. Booo! That really sucks but it was so good!! Wth! My fiances parents don't cook any more. They are older so we just go out to eat. Last year we went to this fancy restaurant and this year were having Chinese food! Lol. Fine by mean I love Chinese food. It's just going to be so weird sitting there while everyone eats and I'm full after 5 minutes. Shoot me! I know I'm not the only one with this problem lol.