Cytotec or Misoprostol for labor?

So my midwife has offered to induce me at 41 weeks because of the risk of me going further. She wants to start by having me staying over night at the hospital and taking this medicine Cytotec every hour for the night to soften my cervix for labor... 
I've never heard of it and done a little research and honestly this medicine scares me. I have stomach ulcers which is what this is used for primarily, but apparently it has even used for abortions and inducing labor as well.
I've never heard anyone talk about it or anything... anyone know anything more? Have had it offered or has had it used on them?
She said the chances of it working are very high and it's safer than potocin but it can't be reversed like potocin so if it doesn't work I'll need a c section... but she seems pretty confident in it working...