natural induction-38 weeks

Ok so I read about someone who took castor oil. Decided I would try it. 
I'm 38 weeks 1 day  baby is measuring as should, and is healthy. I'm trying to induce because my kidney pains/kidney stones are getting worse, I have thrown up everyday since I found out I was pregnant(not kidding maybe went only 5-7 days without throwing up), and migraines are just unbearable. 
I had unprotected sex yesterday and just 30 min ago because I read sperm softens the cervixs. 
Did nipple stimulation for like 2 min, but I can't stand my nipples touched so stopped. 
It's now 9:37pm and I took 1tsp of castor oil at about 9:20. Will post updates. 
Update:it's 11:40pm nothing happened maybe didn't take enough, but I don't wanna risk taking anymore. 
Update:6:30 am nothing at all happened.