This sums it all up. For the people who don't understand why some people are so mad.

Alexandra • Graduating this year with a bachelors in psychology. Then med school. In a loving relationship of 6 years. Not TTC! ❤️❤️
Tomorrow is going to be a long day, not just because of 5 hours of sleep, but because...
Muslims in America have no idea what the future holds for them.
Women will lose their right to privacy and access to healthcare.
Gay couples don't know if their marriages will be valid or if they haven't yet taken their vows if they'll be honored.
Our black brothers and sisters will be stopped and frisked under the false pretenses of "law and order"
Hispanic immigrants won't know if their family will stay intact.
Our stock market has lost 5% and trading has been halted, economists fear over $1 trillion dollars has evaporated from our economy already.
NATO doesn't know what they should expect from our country and its commitment to securing Eastern Europe.
Over 20 million Americans will lose their health insurance.
The Middle East becomes even more volatile.
American factory workers will lose jobs because of a trade and economic plan destined to fail.
Thousands and thousands of students will continue to accumulate massive student debt.
Russia has no one to check their ambitions.
Mexico's economy may be on the brink of implosion.
The world may see a recession/depression that makes 2008 look "okay" per atleast one leading economist.
Our planet may move towards destruction exponentially, with our coastal cities on a fast track towards going poof.
We are no longer the trusted leader of the free world, a position we have held for over two centuries.
America is in distress.  
Also, lets not forget that a man who is a sexist man just won the elections. This man exercises control in every aspect. Women fought so hard for equality and for many things that we deserved that we were entitled to. To have another man come in and take that aaway from us.
As for the race posts: 
People are not mad that Donald trump won people are mad because he won after he made so many racist and ignorant comments about latinx, people of color and people who are disabled and a man who doesn't have respect for another woman. This means that people who voted for him, really do agree with him. The votes today prove to us that whether or not some want to see it racist still exist today and it's about to get worse because he's made it clear what his intentions are. If you can't understand the race aspect on this then you are very ignorant and naive. 