Just did castor oil, no going back now!

I'll keep everyone who wants to know updated. Just a little background first, I'm 41 weeks, 75% effaced, 4cm dilated, have had three membrane sweeps, and he is very low just won't come out on his own yet! My midwives recommended this and I only took 2 tablespoons to start. I've done my research and have tried everything else to help him out so please no negativity or judgment. Fingers crossed and prayers! 🙏🏼
UPDATE: almost two house later I have had some cramping and contractions and I had one normal poo. Nothing out of the ordinary so not sure if it's the castor oil or not. I'll keep updating.
UPDATE: 4 hours later and still nothing. Debating on taking more in a couple hours if nothing else happens. Getting discouraged.
UPDATE: almost 6 hours later still nothing so I think I am going to take 2 more tablespoons. My midwife told me to go ahead and take more if nothing happens in 4-6 hours so...
UPDATE: I thought I'd do one more before going to bed. I've been having a lot more contractions and cramping since my second dose. I've also had a lot more gurgling and feelings of needing to go but I still haven't had a bowel movement. I'm expecting some tho just based off how I'm feeling. We shall see tho.
UPDATE: it totally worked! Went into labor around 11pm and had him at 5:40am! 💙 had a few bowel movements but nothing uncontrollable.