Leaving the hospital?


Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can give some advice. My baby boy was born at 29w+3d he is now 35 weeks adjusted. The drs and nurses have been really happy with his progress. He is off a lot of monitoring and has doubled his weight plus some. He is still getting his feeds via the nasal tube. He has been trying the breast a little but is still getting the hang of it.

My question is should I possibly try him on the bottle? I was going to ask the midwives tomorrow. But wanted to get peoples opinions.

My partner and I are happy bottle feeding or breast feeding which ever he can get. But I'm thinking if he tries the bottle he might keep putting the weight on and we won't have to stay in the hospital as long as it's the only real thing keeping us there.

Please any advice from mummas out there. He is my first and not sure what to do.