Pregnant, abandoned Wife

I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and me and my husband have been married for almost a year. Last week, after a minor argument, he decided to leave me with no explanation. I thought maybe he was mad about the argument and needed space...little did I know he had other plans. It's been a week and still no signs of him. 6 days ago he showed up at our house with the police because he felt he needed thier presence to get all of his belongings without me questioning his decision to leave. He's texted me once since then and told me that he had moved in with his homeboy and that he needed to clear his head and figure out what he wanted because he wasn't happy with me and that he would continue to help me out with bills until our lease is up in two months...but has yet to follow through. He has left me with all of our bills which are usually due the first of every month, which he knows. He's the primary moneymaker and without him there's no way I can afford our house and the bills. He's ignored my calls and texts and has blocked me from social media when I've asked for money for bills. He took all of our good vehicles and has left me with no transportation. I have a car but it's a point A to B car which breaks down on the side of the highway a lot, which he also knows and doesn't care. His mom tried to call him to see what was up and he basically shot her down and hung up after she mentioned my name. And a mutual friend of ours came to me last night and showed me messages between him and my husband and my husband had nothing good to say. He basically bad mouthed me and said how he didn't love me anymore or wanna try to work it out because I argue to much, get mad over little things, and disrespects him and his family. He also called my mom and told her the same thing...and my mom knows my personality and figured he was lying or exaggerating with the bad things he was saying about me. So I'm trying to figure out why he didn't address me with all of these things if he felt I so bad of a wife? Yes we argue, but so does every couple. We've never had major major arguments and yes I've bumped heads with his mom a few times but overall she likes me and I like her and we still communicate and the same with his dad, so I'm trying to figure out where is all of this coming from about me disrespecting his ppl? I feel lied on, I feel humiliated, and abandoned. I can't even believe that he's doing this to me and us. No our relationship wasn't perfect but it wasn't as bad as he's blowing it out to be. I have more good memories with him than bad. All of my friends keep telling me to stop texting him crying and eventually he will come back. He has too because I'm his wife and carrying his child. But with the way he's acting I can't see that happening. He's being extreme and really nasty, almost like this stunt was premeditated. And even if there is a chance that he does come back can I even trust him again? He's basically left me to fend and survive on my own, bad mouthing me, saying he doesn't love me, and is blocking me to the fullest....I definitely don't want a divorce, after all, I still have feelings for him...but I don't know if I could ever love him the same after this...he's really hurt me with this behavior... how can I move on from this???