Why doesn't he understand need to rant

I'm really hurt tonight. I'm almost 7 months pregnant and exhausted and my husband waits until now to decide he doesn't want to sit at home. He wants to go do something and doesn't understand why I won't go, which is because I'm extremely tired, don't want to be the reason they have to leave where they are, and don't really like his friend or want to hangout with him. I'm also kind of annoyed that he wants to go, although I understand I can't tell him he can't go. I'd never tell him what to do but he wants me to be happy about him going and I'm just not. I don't want to sit home alone all night on the weekend, which is our time together. I don't have any friends here where we live to hangout with so I'm always stuck at home doing nothing or dragged along with him and a friend of his. Also, he says it won't all night but I know this friend of his and I know that he's going to want him to do a bunch of stuff and stay out late, and spend money, but we have literally $2 until Monday which is why we were staying home all weekend. 
I guess my biggest issue is the fact that he's trying to make me feel so guilty about not liking that he's wanting to go out. I'm not telling him he can't or not to go and I explained to him why I feel upset about it but he's mad and being mean about it. I want him to have fun but I also want him to understand my point of view instead of telling me I have to feel differently about it.