
I love my boyfriend very much .. But this is the third time I've caught him cheating . And there's probably been more times throughout our relationship , the first time I caught him I was 9 months pregnant and he went crazy when I found out he started pulling my hair and threw my phone at my head and pushed my head around .. I forgave him. The second time I found out he lied and went to a party and was trying to get at this girl at night and now the third time he was asking this girl to be friends with benefits . I don't understand how can someone do that to me when I did everything for him I have him everything 
I gave him all my love and attention , well every time we fight he calls me a loose ass hoe , a bad mom , a hoe all these things . And I cry every day . I do everything by my self he never has helped with our baby that is 1 month it's so hard to do it all alone so young ..I feel like my baby sees me crying I have thoughts of wanting to just kill my self and get it over with . I can't deal with it when he comes to see the baby he just says how he went to a party and that he has a "hickie" down there and always just trying to get me mad like I've done something bad .i just don't understand why I'm not loved .. I can't take care of a baby on my own I'm so scared . Is this depression ..? Or should I be feeling this way .