I dont know how to feel anymore


My boyfriend we have been together for a year.. When he and I got together, he had a weird fetish due to a manipulative ex.

He used to get off on me talking/sending nudes to other guys. I went along with it. At first even though it made me highly uncomfortable.

Eventually i got way too uncomfortable and let him know how I felt. He got mad. Like really mad if I told him no.

Fast forward to now, he has made a shit ton of progress. He doesn't talk about it anymore or pursue it. He has changed completely. Except when he drinks. (Which is very rare mind you)

He's only been drunk 2 times over 4 months time. But both times he went straight back to it. When he sobers up he is very remorseful and tells me that isn't what he wants anymore. He only wants me and he isn't going to throw away how hard he worked.

Tonight was one of the 2 nights... I don't know how to feel anymore..