Exclusively Pumping - Sore/Cracked Nipples

So I'm hoping someone on here has some advice for sore/cracked/bleeding nipples. I gave up on breastfeeding a few days ago because I have an inverted nipple and latching was so hard for my little guy. He would kick and scream for a good 5 minutes before he was ever able to latch and the pain was awful... so for my sanity and his I switched to pumping. I'm supplementing as well since my son was born weighing over 9 pounds. My supply has gone up, I'm getting about 12-17 ounces a day, but now I'm facing issues with my nipples. I've spoken to a lactation consultant and they recommended coconut oil and soothies. I also have a variety of breast shields sizes, yet all of them hurt because of the major sores on the inverted nipple. I've done everything the LC suggested and more, yet I'm still crying everytime I pump. I want to continue pumping for as long as I can, but the pain is making me want to give up. Any suggestions you guys may have on helping with the soreness or healing would be greatly appreciated!