any advice is appreciated. thanks!

Quyen • Diagnosed with Unexplained infertiity.
So everytime I'm apart from my husband for more than a week at a time, we start to fight really bad & I start to "not care" about things like I should. I developed this attitude where idc about our marriage or when we fight & it gets worse the longer I am away. We have spent this last year &  1/2 more apart than we have together & I know it's hurting our marriage. My parents have guilted me in to coming home to help them with their business again & I can't find it within me to say no cause my mom starts to cry and tells me that I don't love her, that I love my husband more. Then she goes on this rant about how in our culture, the kids are suppose to help the parents & how she regrets having all of us(there's only 3) because none of us helps her. I'm the oldest and only girl. I have 2 little brothers 17 & 13 who don't help out but that's her fault cause she doesn't enforce them to. But yet she always wants me to leave my marriage to come home & help her. I make more working for them than I would any where else, but I told her that's not important to me. I just want to be with my husband but I can't find the words to tell her. As summer approaches she already told me she needs my help... but my husband & I are trying for a baby & it's been hard to do when we're apart. I don't want to lose the relationship I have with my parents.. but I also don't want to ruin my marriage. I really don't know what to do anymore..