Missin him😞👴🏻

Katy • 25 R.i.p my sweet baby 01-22-16👼🏼 Mommy to Barrett 03/13/17💙 TTC baby #2 YouTube channel Katy Goodwin
Has this happened to anybody? The day before Halloween I lost my grandfather unexpectedly and it was VERY hard for me to let go. And today before I woke up. I had a dream that me and my husband were going somewhere and I was looking down at something and heard an old man talking I thought it was his grandfather cause we live with him and I look up and it's mine so I started crying freaking out saying "papaw papaw papaw and pointing at him" and my husband said "he's not there he's not there"so I wake up in tears and out of breath from breathing so heavy I look over at my husband he was facing me while he was sleeping and jumped cause I thought I saw my grandfather in my husband like my husbands face being my grandfathers face so I looked away and looked back and he was gone. 😞