Oh, my aching nipples!!

Try as I may, it seems I can't completely get a proper latch. My nipples are SO SORE. Baby is a week old, and my nipples are still bleeding and getting scabs. I've tried to get her to latch correctly, but no matter what I do it still hurts really bad for the first 30 seconds or so (like someone is slicing my nipple with a razor kind of hurt). I have slathered my nipples in Earth Mama Angel Baby Nipple Butter, tried adjusted babies latch, gone shirtless for 3 days. Anyone have any advice that worked for them?!! It's even hurting to pump because of how sore my nipples are getting. I thought yesterday they were getting better but the pain has come back with a vengeance. 
****Another question**** 
When you ladies are waiting for baby to open their mouth wide enough do you have your nipple resting on bottom or top lip (either way with the nipple pointed up) I have seen both techniques and I have been using the top lip, but obviously something isn't working since I'm not getting a deep enough latch.