5 month old nap times

How long do your babies usually nap? Also how long are they awake during the day before they are ready for a nap? I am having the hardest time with my 5 month old and her only napping 30-45 mins. I try to soothe her to extend her nap but it is not working. I try to keep her on a routine and have her go down for a nap usually 2-2.5 hrs after being awake. Lately she has been fighting going to sleep and when she does finally sleep she usually only sleeps for 30-45 mins. I feel like my days are spent getting her to sleep. She sleeps through the night so I feel like I shouldn't complain but it is exhausting fighting her to nap and planning my day around it. I am hoping as she gets older this will get easier but right now I am having a very tough time. Any advice would be extremely helpful.